I wonder why the old folks they have one same perception, where they think that SONS always better than DAUGHTERS.
Aren't they your children as well? Aren't they came out from the same mother womb? Aren't they deserve the same treatment?
What we can see from the dramas, where only the SONS deserved to own their parents' properties.
So they think that when their daughters gonna be someone else when they got married?
As in they are married to another family?
So they have to FULLY UTILIZE their daughters before they 'sent' them off to another family?
I thought this kind of perception only happened during ancient time ago.
Unfortunately, I'm the unlucky one who experience all these and my mom can considered as a modern mommy.
I was educated that I have to tolerate with my younger brother as the name given 'younger' and he is too young for everything such as the chores.
I have to sweep and mop the floor every weekend before I can go for TV programmes when I was in primary school.
I have to sweep and mop both the living room and second floor rooms every weekend before I can go for TV programmes when I was in lower secondary.
I have to iron my own school uniforms as well as my brother's uniform before I go to bed.
I need to wash all the dishes right after meals.
And what my brother does? Nothing but a couch potato all the time before we own a lappy.
What my parents' excuses was, 'Oh come on he is your younger brother and he is too young for all these.'
Alright, and that was my perception too.
When I was 16, we have our very first laptop with screamyx connection.
In order for us to enjoy the connection, my mommy came out with a requirement as per below;
a) Homework must be done
b) Chores must be done ( I'll be in charge of the second floor while my bro will be in charge of the living room)
c)Only for weekends
Ended up, what happened was.
I see my younger brother sitting front of the laptop without doing the chores.
I sit front of the laptop without completing my chores, SHE DID NOTHING BUT YELLED AT ME.
Is this what we call FAIR?
Talking about ironing uniform.
After I was graduated from secondary school, I no longer help him to iron his uniform.
Its like, whatever my brother says will be a yes yes but whatever I said will be a NO NO.
She did complaint that my brother this and my brother that.
BUT, when I sounded my bro as an ELDER sister cz I have the right to so, she is helping him out by scolding me back.
So, what else I can do?
What lead me to this post was, I told her I want a study table for my own in my room.
FYI I do not own a study table.
My brother will be owning the table as he claimed that he wants to do his homework and what I can do is to tolerate.
Or else I will get the yell again.
Each and every time when the table been used by my bro, I would have to do my homework on the thinggy where people used to iron shirts on where I can adjust the height that comfortable for me.
So this time, I told her that I want a study table for me.
She gave me a lot of excuses.
No matter what my bro asked for,requested for or my bro not even requested, she will fulfill it.
Am I asking too much, mommy?
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